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Copyright Infringement Notice Procedure for sprunksters.vip

Learn how to submit a copyright infringement notice for sprunksters.vip. Find detailed instructions for reporting copyright violations and protecting your intellectual property rights on our gaming platform.

Copyright Infringement Notice Procedure for sprunksters.vip

Last Updated: February 11, 2025

If you believe that any content on sprunksters.vip infringes upon your copyright, please follow this procedure to notify us. We take copyright infringement seriously and will act expeditiously to remove any infringing material once properly notified.

Designated Copyright Agent

Please direct all copyright infringement claims in writing to our Designated Agent:

Copyright Manager
Email: Contact us

Required Notice Information

Your copyright infringement notice MUST include ALL of the following information:

  1. A physical or electronic signature from either:

    • The owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed, or
    • A person authorized to act on the owner's behalf
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed:

    • If a single work: provide specific details of the copyrighted material
    • If multiple works: provide a representative list of the works on our website
  3. Identification of the allegedly infringing material:

    • Specify which content on our website is infringing
    • Provide sufficient information to help us locate the material
    • Include URLs where the infringing content can be found
  4. Contact information for the complainant:

    • Full name
    • Mailing address
    • Telephone number
    • Email address
  5. A statement declaring your good faith:

    "I believe in good faith that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."

  6. A statement of accuracy under penalty of perjury:

    "I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this notice is accurate and that I am the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed, or am authorized to act on behalf of such owner."

Our Response

Upon receiving a complete notice that complies with all requirements above, we will:

  1. Promptly acknowledge receipt of your notice
  2. Review the claimed infringement
  3. Remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material if appropriate
  4. Take reasonable steps to notify the alleged infringer of the removal
  5. Take appropriate action regarding repeat infringers

Counter-Notice Procedure

If material you posted was removed due to a copyright complaint, and you believe the removal was a mistake or misidentification, you may submit a counter-notice with our Designated Agent containing:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature
  2. Identification of the removed material and its former location
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief the material was removed by mistake
  4. Your name, address, and telephone number
  5. A statement that you consent to local federal court jurisdiction

False Claims

Please note that filing false claims of copyright infringement may result in liability for damages, including costs and attorneys' fees.